Donne e Sciamanesimo Contemporaneo, Intervista a Morena Luciani Russo
Morena Luciani Russo in dialogo con Adriano Ercolani e Chiara Orlandini alla Libreria Rotondi di Roma. Guarda il video su You Tube CLICCANDO QUI.
Our Planet Calls for Matriarchal Values, Interview with Morena Luciani Russo
How did you first get involved with these arguments? Well, first of all, as an artist. My research had always been inspired by a passion…
The Gift of Bread and Female Shamanism
Speech delivered by Morena Luciani Russo in occasion of the international meeting “LE RADICI MATERNE DEL DONO”, published by Vanda Ed. 2016. Those who have…
Morena Luciani: A New World beyond Patriarchy. Interview for Passaparola Magazine
[…] Last March, following the congress, your book “Donne Sciamane” came out (Ed.Venexia). How come there has been such little attention to female Shamanism…
ARTICLE by MORENA LUCIANI RUSSO PART I Drumming figures amongst the most ancient arts favored by women, as attested by vast ethnographic documentation. Sounding bells…
A Ceremony for Mother Earth, Article by Morena Luciani Russo
Reawakening the Power of the Bear Goddess, and rooting back into the Earth On March 18th, 2016, in occasion of the congress “Native…
Morena Luciani Russo interviewed by Giovanna Lombardi for “Shamans. Women Awakening”
[…] You also organize Circles of Women. What significance do they have for you? Let me answer with another question: which is the very first…
New men
EASTWARD, where the first Woman violated by patriarchal men driven by the venom of anger rests, I see new men who ask to be forgiven, cleansing…